Kansas Heart Hospital


Name :

Kansas Heart Hospital

Address  :

3601 N. Webb Rd

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Phone  :

316 630 5000

Fax  :

316 630 5050

Web URL  :


It was the dream of a medical center devoted exclusively to the heart and the people affected by diseases of the heart

Today the Kansas Heart Hospital stands as a signature cardiovascular hospital for Wichita and the state of Kansas We are a 54bed subspecialty hospital providing dedicated cardiovascular and thoracic care The buildings layout is carefully designed to facilitate every step of diagnosis treatment It provides a unique environment in which physicians and nurses can practice the best of medicine and patients receive the finest of care

Though our cardiologists and surgeons have performed over 100000 procedures from openheart procedures to stent deployments to defibrillator and pacemaker implantations they practice here focused on one heart one patient one family at a time

The Kansas Heart Hospital has developed every protocol every procedure every nuance of every service with just one thought in mind

to carefully and effectively for our patients and to give every comfort and assurance to those who love them We will earn your unqualified trust The cardiologists and surgeons of the Kansas Heart Hospital are all board certified by their respective subspecialty boards

Together they have accumulated more than 350 years of professional experience That experience stretches to cases whose complexity is defining what is possible in health care in America

Our cardiologists and cardiothoracic and vascular surgeons have performed over 100000 procedures including tens of thousands of openheart thoracic and vascular surgeries as well as heart catheterizations defibrillator and pacemaker implantations interventional stent deployments and angioplasties

Our mission is to provide specialized comprehensive cardiovascular healthcare system in a compassionate and patient centered environment where the inherent dignity of the human person is emphasized

To reengineer equity and governance so that healthcare is driven by physicians supported by other caregivers enabling them to assess patients needs first hand and empowering them to attend to such needs effectively and efficiently

And to be a good citizen of the community providing a fair share of charity and uncompensated care while being responsible stewards of the finite resources of healthcare

Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

Many migraine sufferers could have fewer less severe headaches if they took preventive medicines but few eligible patients do say doctors releasing updated treatment guidelines Monday The guidelines list seven prescription medicines and one herbal remedy backed by strong evidence and include many other treatments that might work for some patient... Read More

Not all ICUs need a specialist at night study

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