Walkergate Hospital

Name :

Walkergate Hospital

Address  :

Benfield Road

Town  :

Newcastle Upon Tyne

State  :

Tyne and Wear

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

0191 233 6161

Web URL  :


Newcastles population is ageing and steadily growing with advancements in treatments in medical care and it is estimated that in 20 years time one in five people in Newcastle will be over 65

Older people themselves are changing and their experiences and aspirations are different wanting greater independence choice and control over their care and well being and to be treated as true individuals with dignity and respect
Large city hospitals breed and spread MRSA

Hospitals in large cities are the breeding grounds of the superbug MRSA which then spreads to other hospitals as patients are transferred researchers believe The Edinburgh University team made the discovery by tracking MRSAs movements using its genetic code as a tag In the study the infection started its journey in large city centre hospitals... Read More

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Limb Saving Treatment Times Two Good Samaritan Hospital patients now have alternatives to the treatment of a painful condition known as peripheral vascular disease PVD This condition refers to the diseases of the blood vessels outside of the heart This involves the narrowing of the vessels that carry blood into the legs arms stomach kidneys and br... Read More