Ascot Chiropractic Clinic


Name :

Ascot Chiropractic Clinic

Address  :

8, Hermitage Parade
High Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01344 874202

Web URL  :


Who we are
Sandra Garratt has over 30 years of experience in private practice and has been in her practice in Ascot since 1994

She is a graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic in the US and is registered to practice in the UK South Africa and Colorado

She is a fellow of the College of Chiropractors in the UK and a member of the British Chiropractic Association

In addition Sandra Garratt taught at the AngloEuropean Chiropractic College in Bournemouth tutored in the outpatient clinic for 7 years and is now a field trainer of new graduates

Sandra Garratt brings a wealth of knowledge of alternative and complimentary treatments to bear in helping her patients with their quest for optimal wellbeing
Stafford Hospital targets bowel cancer in under60s

Stafford Hospital has become the first in the UK to employ a dedicated nurse for bowel cancer in the under 60s Cancer support charity Macmillan has supplied the nurse who will look for the condition in people as young as 18 to the Mid Staffordshire Trust The post is partly funded by a charity run by Christine Woodward whose son died from t... Read More

When healthcare seeks help

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