Extendicare - Mayerthorpe

Name :

Extendicare - Mayerthorpe

Address  :

4706 - 54th Street
Box 569

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T0E 1N0

Phone  :

780 786 2211

Fax  :

780 786 4710

Web URL  :


Extendicare Mayerthorpe
Situated 140 kilometres northwest of Edmonton along the beautiful Alaska Highway Extendicare Mayerthorpe is a quaint single story 50bed continuing care facility We take pride in offering superior care to our residents We offer 24hour nursing and supportive care striving for excellence in all we do

At Extendicare Mayerthorpe we understand each residents quality of life depends upon an approach to care that combines input from residents and family members with individual assessments from our multidisciplinary team This approach addresses the uniqueness and requirements of each resident

Extendicare Mayerthorpe encourages and supports open communication with residents and families and addresses concerns with integrity and confidentiality Our focus is exceeding resident satisfaction

We invite you to visit and experience Extendicare Mayerthorpe where we strive to create a wellness environment We value privacy dignity and individual choice and will help you live in a safe secure and homelike atmosphere
Hospital performance is all over the map

Its long been a truism of the Canadian health care system that where you live determines the kind of care you receive Large hospitals in growing urban centres tend to have more resources and equipment than smaller rural hospitals with remote and ageing populations But a new project tracking the performance of the most of the countrys hospitals ... Read More

Four days without a heartbeatbut patient fine before operation

CHENNAI It has been four days since the heart of a 56dayold man stopped beating Relatives took him to a city hospital but over 96 hours later and without his heart being revived his condition is stable as he waits for doctors to operate on him A small machine has taken over the functions of the patients heart and lungs The machine cleanses his ... Read More